Termin Kategorie: BORDER STRUGGLE

Felicitas Sonvilla & Tuna Kaptan, HFF München 2012 – damals noch als Film-Studierende- fuhren Tuna Kaplan und Felicitas Sonvilla mit einem mit Kameraequipment vollgepackten alten Peugeot in die Türkei. Der Plan war, den damals entstehenden Bau des Grenzzaunes zwischen Griechenland und Türkei zu dokumentieren, um auf die restriktive Grenz-Politik der EU aufmerksam zu machen. Doch… Dokumentarfilm “Nacht Grenze Morgen“ & Diskussion mit den Regisseur:innen weiterlesen

David Yambio (Refugees in Libya) and Alexander Schwarz (ECCHR) For many years, ECCHR has been concerned with the situation of migrants and refugees in Libya, where they are essentially exploited and treated as “commodities”. This includes various crimes against humanity: imprisonment, enslavement, murder, torture, rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, persecution, and other inhumane acts. Sometimes… No Way Out? Human Rights Violations in Libya and EU-Accountability (English) weiterlesen

Hassan Ali A Documentary on Refugee Experiences in German camps or how is called “Heim”: Our documentary sheds light on the plight of refugees who, having fled war, terrorism, violence, and poverty, seek solace and opportunity in Germany, only to confront the harsh realities of a system that ostensibly champions human rights. Despite European rhetoric… CAMPS OR PRISONS – A Documentary on Refugee Experiences in a Camp in Saxony & Q&A with Director Hassan Ali (English) weiterlesen