Moctar Dan Yaye, Alarme Phone Sahara Niger
For some years now, Europe has been extending control of its borders further south. This process is commonly referred to as the outsourcing of the EU’s borders. Since 2015, Europe’s border has been established in Niger, in the middle of the Sahara Desert, which heavily affected the region.
In this presentation, Dan Yayé Moctar will explain how European influence has manifested itself in Niger, and what consequences this influence had on the lives of local populations in Niger and the ECOWAS sub-region in general. He will talk both about economic consequences for the local population and the consequences felt by the people crossing the Sahara. He will also discuss the evolution of migration policies in Niger since the advent of the European migration narrative.
Himself a member of Alarme Phone Sahara, Dan Yayé Moctar will also show the solutions and practical responses of local actors, notably the work of Alarme Phone Sahara. He will discuss both the mass expulsions from Algeria to Niger in recent years and the Nigerien civil society’s struggle against the 036-2015 (“anti-migration”) Law.
If time allows, we would like to discuss the current political developments between Africa south and north of the Sahara with you after the lecture.
Note: The talk will be held in English & online via Zoom – we will not meet in HS4 this time.